Interaction Events
Interaction Events are events that are triggered when interaction with and AI. These event help you manage state and other workflows in your application.
See Connect on how to handle these events
Event Types
This event is triggered when the Interaction connection is opened and ready to send and receive data
This is a string message, e.g “data channel opened”
User Started Talking
(Hands-on mode event)
This event is triggered when the user starts talking
No data is returned
User Stopped Talking
(Hands-on mode event)
Emitted after user stop talking plus the when handsOnTimeout elapses.
No data is returned
This event is triggered when the Interaction connection is close. This can happen for a number of reasons, including the user closing the browser tab or window, calling the disconnect function, or the connection being lost.
This is a string message, e.g “data channel closed”
This event is used to sends a real-time interaction transcript to client from the server
This return an object with the following properties
This event is triggered when their is an error with the webrtc connection or any other error duting the interaction
This return a javascript javascript Error object